Pilates Fusion, at home
R3 Throwback: Coach Crystal and Nelson talk Pilates Fusion (via YouTube)
How does Pilates Fusion help to flatten your belly, whittle your waist and strengthen your core?
Pilates Fusion is an exercise system that is focused on building strength without bulk, improving flexibility and agility, and helping to prevent injury. In combination with functional, body-weight exercises, the primary focus is on awareness of the spine, proper breathing, core strength and flexibility.
The outcome of Pilates Fusion training is a balanced body which is strong and supple, flat stomach, balanced legs, and a strong back. This moderate intensity program is designed with a focus on training core stability, cardiovascular fitness, balance, flexibility, and functional movements. It is appropriate for individuals of any age who lead an active lifestyle and want to maintain or regain a healthy body.
Pilates Fusion is the foundational discipline offered online at R3VOLVELIFE Studio, perfect for getting your sweat on in the comfort of own home as we head into the fall and winter seasons.
Here are some of the benefits of Pilates Fusion:
IMPROVES FLEXIBILITY: When you practice Pilates Fusion regularly, you will increase your flexibility, develop your range of motion and will improve your performance in the other classes.
INCREASES MUSCLE STRENGTH & TONE: Your abs, back, hips and glutes remain contracted throughout the class. Because you are constantly holding the tension in your core, you will build strength and endurance.
IMPROVES BREATHING & INCREASES BODY AWARENESS: During a Pilates Fusion class, you must pay close attention to your breathing techniques and patterns. Learning how to breathe, as funny as that sounds, will also help your technique when you lift weights or are completing cardio in other workouts.
IMPROVES POSTURE: Pilates Fusion exercises develop better posture and prevent "hunched backs," from developing, especially if you are working in front of a computer all day.
MOBILIZES JOINTS: By elongating and strengthening your muscles, you will improve muscle elasticity and joint mobility.
To subscribe to R3VOLVELIFE Studio classes online, contact Coach Crystal.