Facing COVID at R3VOLVELIFE Studio

Welcome to our R3VOLVELIFE Studio blog! This new feature will be published on the first and third Monday of every month, and will bring you new and insightful reflections, meditations, recipes and resources that support the three pillars of R3: simple nutrition, bulletproof mindshift, and functional fitness. 

It has been just over three weeks since the World Health Organization classified the COVID-19 crisis as a global pandemic on March 11. Although the word ‘pandemic’ inspires feelings of fear, worry, and anxiety, Canadian health experts and political leaders are assuring us that now is a crucial time to slow the transmission of the virus through self-isolation and physical distancing. As our members know, in doing our part to help curb the spread of COVID-19, we at R3VOLVELIFE Studio have temporarily closed our doors for the first time ever. 

But closed doors are not stopping us from continuing to serve our community, and helping nurture your goals from the comfort of your home. We kicked into gear seamlessly, with our extensive workout library and 90-day calendar ready to go, alongside daily live workouts. We have also launched our 12-week Bulletproof Challenge, and are featuring exclusive classes with guest trainers over ZOOM. Beyond the work our community is doing to maintain our healthy and active lifestyle in spite of these new circumstances, our safe harbour to get us through the storm is mindset. 

Mindset coaching is foundational for establishing enduring health and fitness changes, and integral to what we do at R3VOLVELIFE Studio. Two studio-wide ZOOM mindset coaching calls in the last weeks of March gave us the really valuable space to journal and work through the challenges using our “F.A.C.E. C.O.V.I.D.” module. What sort of person do you want to be as you go through this? What can you say and do that will enable you to look back in years to come and feel proud of your response? These are some of the questions we worked through, and the responses were inspiring (some tear-jerkers!) that left us all with something to take back to our journals and reflect on. We reminded ourselves that “this too shall pass” and reflected on what it means to have courage, strength, faith and unity through this trying time. 

On a personal level, I just want to take this moment to sincerely thank those who have continued to keep your memberships at R3VOLVELIFE Studio active, and are committed to getting through this challenging time and entrusting us to help you on that journey. It is an enormous responsibility, and we will do our best to serve you in all the ways we can. And if you’re reading this for the first time and are new to our tribe, thank you for visiting our website and feel free to reach out to us with any questions or join our closed Facebook group for access to free workouts and challenges. 

Wishing you all continued fitness and health! See you online, team!